Epic Phase 2 update: Classes beginning soon

IT & Epic

In 2020, Ballad Health successfully implemented Epic Phase 1 by installing Epic as Ballad Health’s electronic medical record system (EMR). This implementation connects our patients’ hospital and clinic medical records on one platform.

Epic Phase 2 is underway and impacts these areas:

  • Three long-term care facilities
  • All six of our retail pharmacies
  • Home Health and Hospice
  • Inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation services

Epic Phase 2 End-User training begins

June 13 marks the first day of scheduled, in-person training for all team members affected by the Epic Phase 2 rollout. These classes will continue through July 22, the week before go-live. Your manager should have already shared your class schedule with you, but you can also find your schedule in HealthStream along with the name of your classes and the address for your training location.

Additionally, you will receive an email reminder two days before each of your classes.
You can click here to see a location guide of training facilities, including a map for each site showing the classroom location and parking. There will be signs at each facility on training days, so watch for those to guide you to the right place.

Key dates for those involved

If you are involved in any of these groups, and affected by the upcoming Aug. 1 changes, below is a list of some important dates:

June 13: Epic Phase 2 End-User training begins.
July 11: Teams participate in shadow charting.
July 22: End-User training ends.
Aug. 1: Epic Phase 2 Go-Live.
Aug. 12: Epic Phase 2 at-the-elbow support ends.

If you have training questions, visit the Epic site on the Ballad Health intranet at http://bhnet/info/epic/Pages/Epic-Phase-II.aspx, or email Epictraining@balladhealth.org. (NOTE: You must be on a Ballad Health network device to access the intranet.)