Use our ACTS of Service to recognize team members who deserve thanks for a job well done!

Team Member Kudos

Did you know Ballad Health has a way for you to recognize fellow team members who do great work?

It’s called ACTS of Service recognition, available on the Ballad Health intranet through our Human Resources and Organizational Development departments. It only takes a few minutes and you can send someone an eCard to show your appreciation for their dedication and hard work. If you’re a leader, you can nominate a team member for an award.

Here’s how to use ACTS of Service:

  1. Go to the Ballad Health intranet. (NOTE: You must be on a Ballad Health network device to access the intranet.)
  2. Visit “Quick Links” on the left side.
  3. Click on “ACTS of Service Appreciation,” which will be the first link listed.
  4. Use your team member number as your username (no need to include the “u” as part of the number).
  5. If this is your first time using ACTS of Service, or if you’ve forgotten your password, then select the “Forgot Password” link.

Once you’re logged in, you can see other notes of recognition around the system that have been posted to the site, and get instructions on how you can recognize and thank deserving team members.

It always means a lot when someone takes a moment to show their appreciation to you for a job well done, or to express thanks for extra assistance. This is your chance to recognize and thank someone when they deserve a pat on the back!