National Doctors’ Day: Thank you to our physicians!

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Physicians at Russell County Hospital celebrated National Doctors’ Day along with hospital administrator Steven Givens (center).

March 30 is National Doctors’ Day, designated to show our appreciation to physicians for the work they do for their patients and for our community. Across Ballad Health, we’re celebrating at our different facilities with special meals for the doctors.

Watch a brief video message from Alan Levine about Doctors’ Day on the Ballad Health intranet homepage here.

These men and women worked for years to become doctors, and they continue to work long hours treating illnesses and injuries, bringing new life into the world and helping us stay as healthy as possible. Every one of us has been served by a physician at some point in our lives. They are among the most respected positions within communities, serving as healers and advisers.

Their expertise and guidance is valuable not just to patients but to us as a healthcare system. That’s why at Ballad Health we’ve made physician leadership a priority by placing doctors in roles where they can help us chart the course of what we do and how we care for our patients.

Their impact on the lives of those in our region is immeasurable. Thank you to our doctors!

Note: Send us your Doctors’ Day photos to and we’ll post a gallery of them next week. Or just email us a photo of you with your favorite physician(s).