Let’s make a difference together: Team Member Giving Campaign goes through Sept. 30


Have you made a contribution to our 2019 Ballad Health Team Member Giving Campaign? It can truly make a difference in the lives of those in need. Even three hours of your pay can equal a week of meals for a hungry child, a month of utility payments for a cancer patient or a year of prescription medication.

Our campaign is underway and runs through Sept. 30. We’ve got a system-wide goal of $950,000. If you want to make a contribution, look in your Outlook email for a message from Ballad Health Foundation with your personal link for giving. It only takes a few minutes, and the contribution form is set up so you can make easy donations via payroll deduction.

You can choose from a list of Ballad Health causes that assist both patients and team members, or the United Way that benefits the communities where you live and work. All pledges are kept entirely confidential through our secure system.

Valeri Colyer, HR director for human resources at Norton Community Hospital, is a committee member for the team member emergency fund, one of many worthy causes you can assist.

“Serving as a committee member has provided me the opportunity to see how our contributions can really help others in need,” Valeri said. “Regardless of the size of a person’s contribution, it makes a difference. So we encourage everyone to at least participate. Every dollar counts!”

There are also incentive gifts available for those who donate, and if you receive your incentive gift and then send us your photo with your new swag, you’ll be entered into a drawing for extra prizes like Dollywood and Biltmore House tickets! Send photos to Jamie Mijeski at Jamie.mijeski@balladhealth.org. Weekly drawings begin Friday, Sept. 13, and end Friday, Oct. 4.