Our third SPLAT hand-hygiene day is Wednesday, Dec. 20

System Updates

In an effort to promote handwashing and infection prevention protocols across Ballad Health, we’ll be hosting our final game of “SPLAT!” on Wednesday, Dec. 20. It’s a fun way to reinforce the lessons learned at recent hand hygiene review sessions. We also held SPLAT! days in October and November.

WHO: The campaign is for all clinical team members at Ballad Health inpatient facilities and long-term care areas (but not outpatient clinics).

WHEN: Our final SPLAT day of 2023 is Wednesday, Dec. 20.

PRIZES: Participants can win prizes, including Dollywood tickets, Barter Theatre tickets and the grand prize of an Apple Watch Series 8.

How does it work?

This kind of campaign has been used successfully at various health systems around the country and has been featured by the American Nurses Association, the American Journal of Infection Control and other organizations.

  • Each clinical team member will be given three cards on the designated day.
  • Throughout the work shift, if a team member catches another not performing proper handwashing when required, they will be able to “SPLAT!” that team member by giving them one of their cards.
  • The cards say: “SPLAT! You missed a hand hygiene opportunity. Now it’s your turn to help prevent the spread of infection and SPLAT! someone else.”
  • The goal is for the team member to hand out all three cards that day, while not receiving any cards. At the end of the shift, anyone with zero cards will be entered into the prize drawing.
  • All participants will receive a “Fortune Cookie” containing messages to reinforce hand hygiene.
  • Leaders of each area will be responsible for distributing cards and explaining the process to team members on each shift, and then will gather the cards at the end of each day and enter the winners into the database for the prize drawing.

For more information, contact Ballad Health’s clinical education team at clinicaleducationdept@balladhealth.org or 423-431-5444.