PEERhelp Warmline offers assistance for substance use, mental health issues – from people who’ve experienced those things in real life

Team member profile

Ballad Health is now offering a PEERhelp Warmline to assist people living with emotional and mental health challenges, in particular with substance use issues.

Calls are answered by Certified Peer Recovery Specialists who have experienced mental health challenges and substance use issues in their lives, so they have a deep understanding of what someone is going through. They are there to provide emotional support, comfort and information.

All calls are confidential. The number is 1-877-PEERHLP (733-7457).

PEER stands for Programming, Education, Employment and Recovery.

Initially, the PEERhelp Warmline will operate Monday through Friday from noon to 10 p.m., with plans to expand hours as the program grows. (During off hours, any calls will automatically roll over to the RESPOND hotline.)

If you or someone else needs behavioral health care right away, call the Respond Crisis Hotline at 800-366-1132.