Highly Infectious Disease Conference on March 23 switching from in-person event to 2-hour interactive webinar format


NOTE: This message is from Jamie Swift, Ballad Health corporate director for infection prevention.

Out of an abundance of caution regarding the potential spread of COVID-19, the Highly Infectious Disease Conference, sponsored by Ballad Health and the Northeast Tennessee Healthcare Preparedness Coalition, scheduled for March 23 will no longer be an in-person symposium. Instead, the conference will be adapted into a two-hour interactive webinar. Unfortunately, due to this format, we will be unable to offer Continuing Medical Education (CME)/Continuing Nurse Education (CNE) credit.

We did not come to this decision lightly, but following social distancing recommendations, we felt it was important to move the conference online to protect our attendees.

We still believe this conference will be especially beneficial and pertinent to attendees, considering COVID-19’s emergence and spread worldwide. During the conference, we will analyze various response tactics currently being used to contain and mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

Our keynote speaker, Dr. Gavin Macgregor-Skinner, will be presenting during the webinar. He will share lessons learned from his recent participation in the international and national COVID-19 response. Attendees will be able to send in questions in real-time for an interactive question-and-answer session.

We hope those who have already registered will still be able to join online for this extremely important event. You will receive information with log-in details and final time. The two-hour webinar will still be held on March 23. NOTE: Registration is still open for the conference. To register or to learn more about this event, please visit www.balladhealth.org/highly-infectious-disease-conference.