Kudos & Recognition: JMH DAISY winner; Takoma Regional helps Greene Co. get ‘Healthier;’ Wilkes selected to state leadership program; FPM honors JMH

Our “Kudos & Recognition” feature highlights team members and others from across Ballad Health who have earned honors, awards, professional certifications or done other notable things worth recognizing. If you know a team member who might qualify, email information to doug.janz@balladhealth.org.

Rebekah Eichler honored with JMH’s quarterly DAISY Award

ABINGDON, Va. – Rebekah Eichler, RN, was the third-quarter DAISY Award honoree at Johnston Memorial Hospital.

Rebekah works as a shift leader in JMH’s outpatient surgery department. Her DAISY nomination included the following:

“Rebekah arrives every single day ready to lead the team and ready to communicate with the patients and other families. She is always ready to jump in and help others when needed. Her attitude is one of a go-getter and a motivational leader.

Rebekah Eichler, RN, (right) with JMH CNO Linda Shepherd

“Rebekah has a sense for those who are less fortunate or in need of assistance. She pays attention to detail in assessing patients, especially those in need. In the past she has led the team to contribute a basketful of baby care supplies and clothes to a single mom who was in the hospital with her infant for a surgical procedure.

“Recently a homeless man arrived for surgery and was soaking wet from the rain because he had walked to the appointment. His clothes and shoes were dirty and tattered. Rebekah initiated taking up money to go to Wal-Mart and buy the patient some new clothes and shoes. Word quickly spread through the department and many pitched in money. With more than $200 in donations, the department was able to provide the man with a new coat, hat, shoes, socks, underwear, insulated underwear, two pairs of pants, shirts, hoodies, a backpack and other needed items. The patient was extremely thankful for the assistance.

“There are few people who care enough or take the time and effort to give so generously to others like Rebekah. I am personally touched by the caring and generosity of her and our team.”

Takoma’s Tracy Green and Joanie Scott (in the middle holding awards) pose with local officials, as well as Takoma volunteers Kitty and Jack Stewart (far right, front row).

Takoma Regional team members instrumental in Greene County earning ‘Healthier’ recognition

GREENEVILLE, Tenn. – Several Takoma Regional Hospital team members were among those who helped Greene County to earn official designation as a bronze-level community, thanks to their work on the Greene County Healthier Tennessee Communities’ committee.

The bronze designation was celebrated recently at a Healthier Tennessee Communities’ awards gala in Franklin.

Among the attendees were Joanie Scott, one of Takoma’s clinical dietitians, who is chairman of the Greene County Healthier Tennessee Communities’ committee; and two of its volunteers, Kitty and Jack Stewart, who also serve on the local committee. Also serving on the committee from Ballad Health are registered nurse Marianne Mason and Cindy Luttrell, Takoma’s patient experience director.

Scott said the county is working on achieving more of the required initiatives to receive the silver award next year. In addition, the Town of Greeneville was presented with the Workplace Wellness Award. Tracy Green, who works in Ballad Health corporate wellness, has helped the Town of Greeneville employees make great improvements in their health to win this award.

Congratulations to all who are working together for a healthier Greeneville and Greene County!

Ballad Health’s Wilkes named to Leadership Tennessee’s first NEXT program

Bo Wilkes

JOHNSON CITY, Tenn. – Ballad Health’s Clem “Bo” Wilkes has been selected for the first class of Leadership Tennessee NEXT, a program offering early-to-mid career professionals in-depth personal and career development.

Wilkes serves as Ballad Health’s vice president of system administration and governance. In his role, Wilkes provides management and professional support for the organization with an emphasis on planning, performance management, operational efficiency and effectiveness, and organizational development.

Leadership Tennessee is the state’s premier leadership education program. The only program focusing on Tennessee’s existing and emerging leaders, it spans the state and includes a broad spectrum of industries. The first class of 25 represents all three regions and the diversity in healthcare, education, economics, industry, agriculture, law and more.

“One of the goals of the program is to better understand the people who make up our region’s rich culture and creative heritage,” said Wilkes. “Ballad Health focuses on each person’s unique story, making this opportunity an excellent match with our goals.”

To expand their networks, with a goal of creating a legion of problem-solvers, the Leadership Tennessee NEXT class will meet three times in locations across the state: Memphis, Nashville and Greeneville. Each session will highlight issues and opportunities unique to Tennessee, working on ways to enrich the state and give opportunities to our people.

The sessions will also feature engagement with Leadership Tennessee Signature Program members and promote personal skill development.

Johnston Memorial Hospital wins 2018 FPM Award for Practice Improvement

Dr. Syam Odeti (right) accepts the award from Amy Mullins, MD, AAFP medical director for quality.

ABINGDON, Va. – The family medicine residency program and family physician-led hospitalist team at Johnston Memorial Hospital received the FPM Award for Practice Improvement for their collaborative efforts to reduce chest pain admissions.

FPM (Family Practice Management) is the American Academy of Family Physicians’ editorially independent, peer-reviewed practice enhancement journal. The award was presented recently at the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Conference on Practice Improvement in Tampa, Fla.

Shyam Odeti, MD, who is residency core faculty, inpatient medical director, and hospitalist director, accepted the award, which was presented by Amy Mullins, MD, AAFP medical director for quality. Dr. Odeti and his colleagues implemented evidence-based approaches that reduced chest pain observation admissions by 61 percent over three years and resulted in several other significantly positive outcomes as well.

For more information on the award and Johnston Memorial’s project, see the AAFP announcement here.

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